Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's a Boy!!!

I was pretty sure up until yesterday that I was having a girl. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I thought it was a boy. However, after talks with my girls, dreams, and a Chinese Conception Calendar, I changed my mind. So for the last several weeks, I've been thinking all girl!! NOPE!

I honestly didn't want one more than the other. More than anything, I want a healthy baby. The sex didn't matter. But there were very specific reasons why I did want a girl or boy.

I know girls! I'm a girl and my sisters are girls! :) I spent so much time with Mackenzie when she was little that I really felt like I wouldn't be as lost. I love frilly girly things, bows, dance, and all that jazz. The nursery was going to be so easy to pull off. Lastly, I really wanted to see my husband with a baby girl. It would have melted my heart.

Both of my sisters have girls, NO BOYS!! So this will be the first grandson for my parents. My dad and brothers really wanted a boy and Chris is the last Callahan, so I wanted to give my family the first boy. I've also always wanted to be the crazy sports mom and have a boy that would think I was the greatest thing since sliced bread. A "mama's boy" I guess you could say. I'm so anxious to see Chris with his little man. I can't wait to watch Chris teach him how to fish and how to start a fire when we're camping. However, this nursery is going to be so much more difficult!! I know what I want in that room, but executing it is going to be so difficult. I'll definitely be doing a lot of Internet research!

As soon as I scan the ultrasound pictures, I'll post them.

I can't wait to meet my son. February can't come soon enough! So excited!!

Until next time...

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today's post is short and sweet!

Today I wore a pair of regular pants that no long button. The fit everywhere else but my lower belly, so I wore them. I have a maternity band to make sure my pants stay up, but my pants were still so dang uncomfortable!! They killed me!

I'm looking forward to filling maternity pants. This morning, they were still looking too loose so it really just looked like I crapped myself.

Grow, baby! Grow!!

Until next time...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Trimester

I'm so blessed to have had such a smooth first trimester. As long as the tummy was full, I didn't feel sick. There were three times that I let the tummy become empty, and I got sick. YUCK! My emtire first trimester was during summer break, so I was able to relax at home and not worry about getting up early, going to work, dealing with children, etc. I truly believe that this was the cause of such a smooth ride. I was however, very tired. I napped ALOT and cleaned very little, not to my husband's liking. Oh well, I'm carrying his kid. :)

This is going to be an honesty blog. I'm going to blog everything that I feel is worthy of being said. I truly hope that many of you will laugh and not be grossed out. So, Popsy, if you're reading this blog, I warned you!! I also hope that feelings are not hurt because I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. I have no filter these days!

I had just closed the pregnancy stick cap when my mom called on the phone. It was the longest three minutes of my life. I honestly have no idea what she was talking about because the only thing I was thinking about was, "I have to wait three minutes!" Hurry up!! I think my mom could tell that I was a little distracted because she said, "I'll let you go. You don't seem to in a talkative mood." Or something like that! When I hung up the phone, I looked at the time and mom and I had been talking for 3 minutes and 7 seconds. I ran into the bathroom and, well, you know what it said! :) This was the Thursday before Father's Day. Up until this point, most of my family believes that nobody knew until Father's Day. WRONG!! (This is where I hope nobody's feelings are hurt.) It was so hard not to call me mom right back, but of course, I called the baby's daddy first. I was really worried because I was spotting and since this is a first time for me, I didn't know if this was normal. Chris told me to call my sister. So yes, Melissa knew before anyone else!

I was already crying when she answered the phone. She thought it was about my mom who was going through some heart complications at the time (Oh gosh! I hope she wasn't talking about her heart while we were on the phone!). I asked her if she was at home, and she was getting less patient with me. "Sherry, what's wrong? Are you OK? Is it mom??" Nope! I said, "I'm going to have a baby." At that point, I think my ear drum burst from the loud scream I heard! It was loud enough for her husband to come running outside to make sure everything was OK. Abviously she was thrilled. I told her what was going on and it was as if God was speaking right through her. She calmed all of my fears that night just as she continues to do today. She's always the one I call first. "What's up with this? Why does it hurt when I...? Is this normal?" After two of her own babies, she knows ALOT! But of course, I call my mom after that, too! Not because I doubt Melissa, but because I want to hear her, too. And I feel a little guilty.

I find out that as I'm talking to Melissa, Chris is telling a few people at work. He couldn't help it. Poor guy! Well, since he told a few people, I did too. Only two friends. :) Or three. We told our immediate family on Father's Day but didn't tell most of our other friends until I was 10 weeks along. Everyone has been so wonderful.

The evening that I found out I was pregnant, I met Chris for dinner and then made him go with me to Walmart to purchase the latest edition of "What to Expect When You're Expecting." I wanted to know what was to come. I didn't have any symptoms yet so I wanted to be prepared. Melissa already told me that I most likely wouldn't have any symptoms until 5 to 6 weeks. It was 6 weeks for her.

At 5 1/2 weeks, I woke up not feeling so hot! I puked and crapped at the same time in the shower that morning. Lovely, hu?? Nobody told me that may happen and it certainly wasn't written in the book!! I thought for sure that was it, I was doomed. It was going to be an ugly 10 more weeks. But to my surprise I felt great after that incident and ate like a pig the rest of the day. I didn't get sick again until 9 weeks. I was worried that I wasn't sick. Aren't pregnant woman suppose to be throwing up for a long time? It happened to several of my friends. But again, God sent wonderful women my way to calm all fears. Once I started asking, more and more of my friends didn't have any morning sickness at all and went on to have healthy babies. Both of my sisters kept reminding me to take the no morning sickness as a blessing, and move on!!

Although I wasn't throwning up, my biggest symptom was not fun. I was seriously gassy and constipated! I always took pride my my natural, very regular, rhythm. However, this little baby inside of me has totally messed that up. There were days when I felt like someone literaly shot an airgun right up my butt. Going days without pooping is terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone but my worst enemies. :) I know that gas and constipation is mentioned in the book, but they should dedicate an entire book to gas and constipation. To relieve gas stay away from.... But to relieve constipation, eat... Anyone ever notice how the foods are the same. Don't eat beans, they make you fart. Eat beans, they make you poop. Hm? That puts me in a pickle. Ooo, I love pickles right now!

Well, I'm thinking I need a pickle. Until next time...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Forever Changed

June 17th, 2010 was the day that changed my life. This is the day I found myself peeing on a stick, and found out I was pregnant! Chris and I weren't exactly trying to get pregnant but had started the "let's see what happens" phase. Well, it happened! Calling and telling Chris that we were going to have a baby was the best. The excitement in his voice was priceless!

However, the moment I read "YES" on that test, I instantly became a different person. A hundred questions immediatley starting running through my head. What am I going to do? If I'm pregnant, why am I spotting? What if something's wrong? What if I lose I this baby? What's my principal going to say? You get the picture!

I was a nervous wreck for weeks! Everything I felt, I assumed was bad. I'm sure the nurse at my doctor's office was thinking, "What's wrong with this nutjob!?" I know I drove her crazy.

It wasn't long before I realized that I needed to take all these fears to God. When I slowed down and really thought about it, this pregnancy was perfect timing. This blessing came when God wanted it to come. For several months, things have been falling into place for Chris and I. I knew that I could not go the next 8 weeks in absolute panic. I started praying and haven't stopped. God has been so good.

Now that I'm in my second trimester, I'm ready to blog everything that's going on, the good, bad, and ugly. However, I just made it through the first week of school and I'm exhausted. I'll a much more entertaining blog tomorrow.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's been a long time...

I haven't blogged in a long time!! So much has been going on that I don't even know where to start. Not even really sure what made me decide to hop on there and blog, but now that I'm here, let's do it!

TAKS is over!! I hate TAKS. I don't care what anyone says, it's a stupid test. It stresses out the kids and the teachers so much that kids vomit and teacher have migraines. Are you kidding me?? The rest of the year is now going by so slowly!!!!!!!

I went and saw my friends baby yesterday. Dolores and Mark had their sweet baby girl, Bree, on Monday evening. She's beautiful. Her head was so small and round and she kept making the sweetest little faces. I LOVE babies. (But then they grow up and vomit. They also talk back to their teachers.) I think I'll let them settle in at home before I bother them again. Is tonight too soon?

It upsets me that some people can't see CRAZY!! I've known for awhile now that there are crazy people all around me, but it really bothers me that other people cater to their craziness. I hate drama. I don't like feeling out of control in any situation. When people are crazy enough to cause DRAMA and then ruin my plans, it really pisses me off.

I've been thinking a lot about the people that I associate with and the people in my life. I have many "friends" but not that many that I would consider true friends. I honesly believe that GOD puts people in your life at the right times. Some people you will remain close with and build a solid relationship, and others are there only to teach you a lesson and they move on. It's become very important to be to only surround myself with positive and loving people. I'm no longer willing to waste my time and energy on relationships that only take and never give. It's emotionally draining!

With that being said, I sometimes feel like I take more than I give. I really want to be a better friend to those people that I feel love and respect me. I need to be better about emailing, picking up the phone, or arranging dates. I love my friends and don't ever want to be a drag on someone else's emotions.

(I'm too lazy to go back a proof this blog before I publish, so there may be several mistakes.)

Until next time...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Funday

Today started way to early!! Chris and I needed to replace the tree in our front yard because it died. This is our third tree. Seriously, how sucky do you have to be at lawn care to kill a tree?? Now my nails are all funky!

Had lunch with Christopher's family for his dad's birthday. It's always nice to see the kids. They're growing fast.

Now I get to do some work for school. Before I go, here are a few random thoughts on my mind today...

1. I wanna go camping.
2. I wanna hamburger.
3. I wanna go camping and eat a hambuger.
4. I wish I liked basketball so that I could join in all the March Madness fun, but I don't. Not at all!!
5. I want to go to church on Easter Sunday but don't know where to go.
6. Wish I was still 5 so I could have a poofy Easter dress.
7. I would really like to learn how to make this blog more attractive but don't know how. I'm too lazy to learn. Maybe Lisa will teach me?

Thanks enough randomness for now.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Better Days Ahead

So...I felt so much better after my post last night. For some reason, conservative comments that I read on FB today rolled right off my back. Once I got it out, I could breathe easily. My sister, Lisa, sent me this and I thought it was worth passing along. It's something to think about. Niether she nor I wrote it, but whoever did is very smart!

Every step forward in our country's proud history has been met with fear and hatemongering...Freeing slaves would be the end of women the right to vote would be the end of America...insuring everyone could exercise their vote would be the end of America...integration would be the end of America...women in the workplace ... would be the end of America...the COBRA bill would be the end of leave act would be the end of America...Gay rights would be the end of America...and now we can proudly add Health care to the list of brave moral choices we have made with optimism for the future and faith in ourselves and our fellow citizens.Those who wallow in fear and hatred (and it is hatred) are condemned to the dustbin of history.

Hopefully, the drama will die down and we'll start to see some positive changes very quickly.

On another note, I'm so proud of the women in my life who have been diagnosed with cancer. These women have faced and fought this disease with such beauty and grace. They've made bald look sexy and fluffy hair, too!! My friends are amazing and brave and an inspiration to me. You all are my heroes and I'm honored to know you. I love you all!!

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crappy Day and I'm Ready to Explode

Let me start out by saying that I'm in no mood to be nice or sugar coat my feelings. I feel like I'm always the good girl who doesn't always say how I feel in order to spare people's feelings. WARNING: there may be a few unlady like words in this blog tonight. However, it's my blog and my honest thoughts so I feel it is important to express them as they come. I'm also apologizing now for grammar and spelling errors. It's late, I'm tired, and it's a little dark in here.

My friend was diagnosed with colon cancer tonight. I'm so freakin' pissed off at this disease. People around me everywhere are falling prey to this and it f-in sucks! My friend is a single mamma and barely able to make ends meet. I pray that as she goes in to see the doctor tomorrow or Friday for her treatment plan, that she's not met with any problems from her insurance company. Which brings me to my next point!!

I'm so tired of hearing from republicans on this new health care reform bill. I'm not so naive as to think that this bill is perfect and that it's not going to effect my wallet. I know that there will be changes in my insurance and in my paycheck. But here are a few "concerns" that the republicans would like me to know and this is my response to each.

1. Increased Taxes: DUH!!! My taxes increase every year. I'm currently paying taxes for a war that we should be out of right now. I'm currently paying more taxes because W increased the national deficit more than any other president in US history! We are all in debt but at least the possible increase in my taxes will benefit many.

2. "I work my ass off. Why should I pay for lazy people to have insurance?" This one is my favorite!!! First of all, we already pay for poor people to have insurance. It's called Medicaid. Second, this bill wasn't about "free" insurance. It's about assisting those who can't afford it.

I understand that the "rich" don't want to give more than everyone else, but get over it. God has allowed you to be successful so perhaps you can give a little more. Most of us give tithes to our churches. God calls for 10%. Let's say that Family A is a household of 4. Mom and Dad both work to make ends meet but they still faithfully give 10% of their income to the Lord in order for his work to done. God has continued to bless them but 10% is still all they can give. God is pleased. Then there's Family B. They are also a family of 4 but they are wealthy. They have so much money that they are able to vacation, buy cars, homes, etc. They also love the Lord and tithe their 10%. God continues to bless them. He is pleased. One day the pastor of the church asks Family B if they are willing to give an extra 10% to the church. Some people have not been able to keep up with their tithes as faithfully and the church's mission is in need. Does Family B tell their pastor no? HECK NO they don't!!!! They don't care that they've already given their 10%. They don't ask, "How much did Family A give?" They don't question the needs of others. Why? Because they know better! They know that God needs it and they give it without question. Most churches send money to other countries in the name of God. Guess what? God expects us to take care of everyone, including those here in the US. You wouldn't tell the church NO! But by being greedy and having that attitude, you ARE telling God no. "No, God, I'm not going to help those in need."

The United States has the best health care in the world. However, only the rich can afford it! Why? Because so many people don't have it. When they get sick or hurt, they go to the emergency room. Can they afford their bill? Nope. So who pays? We do! We pay it because doctors and hospitals have to increase their fees in order to pay unpaid bills. If we're already paying higher prices, we might as well do it in a better and more profitable way. Everyone should be required to have health insurance. It doesn't matter if they're "healthy" and don't plan on getting sick. I don't plan on crashing my car, but I'm required to have auto insurance. It doesn't matter that I'm a good driver. I have auto insurance not to only protect myself, but anyone else involved in a possible accident. Requiring everyone to have health insurance not only protects the individual, but it protects me too. I won't have to pay their bill later.

Did you know that there are many people that can't get insurance? I'm not just talking about smokers, fat people, diabetics, or cancer patients. Did you know that children with autism are often denied coverage? Or, what if you've received counseling within the last 6 months? You guessed it, you may be denied!! I DARE the republicans to look a child with autism in the face and tell them that the don't deserve insurance. PIGS!!!

3. We'll have to wait 4 months to get into the doctor!! No you won't, so shut up!! There are plenty of doctors out there. They just might be a little upset because they only can afford 4 cars instead of 5. Or, 2 houses instead of 4. Perhaps when the office is closed on Mondays for the weekly golf game, they'll have to work! I've heard some complain that there will be a flood of unqualified doctors now. Really? Are you freakin' kidding me??!! I've NEVER heard of a medical school in the United States with such low standards that they'd let an unqualified doctor practice medicine. That's rediculous!

4. We will not fund abortion! NEWSFLASH!! We already do!! Most insurance companies and Medicaid will fund an abortion in the case that it could harm the mother or that the baby will not be a viable pregnancy. And regardless of how you feel about abortion, it's still a womans right to choose. She will stand judgement for that someday, not you. You don't ever have to make that choice if it's not right for you. Like it or not, abortion is a moral issue based on the belief that God created that baby. However, not everyone believes in God, sad but true, and our believes shouldn't be pushed on them. I wouldn't want to move to a non-christian country and be forced to do anything that was different than my beliefs. Republicans do a great job of making it perfectly clear that government should stay out of people's lives and not interfere. Funny thing though, they are the first one's to say a woman doesn't have the right to choose or a gay couple can't get married. Riddle me that!

I'm exhausted!! I don't want to argue about this anymore. I don't care to know what the republicans think anymore. I'm honored to live in a country that will now offer affordable health care to EVERYONE who deserves it. ie, business owners, middle class americans, students, etc.
I would gladly pay extra taxes to know that everyone can have the same peace of mind that I do every day. That if I get sick, I don't have to worry. If my husband gets sick, I don't have to worry. If my future child gets sick, I don't have to worry. Why? Because I have insurance.

To all my friends out there with cancer, I love you! I'm so glad that you will never be denied insurance because of this terrible disease. You will live a long and healthy life now. Praise God!

Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Starting Over

I started a blog about a year ago and hardly ever posted. I never felt like I really had anything to say. At least not anything important. It's been so long since I've posted that I don't even remember the address or how to get on. So, I'm starting over!

My life is pretty easy going. I teach school and take care of my husband. Being a teacher is a ton of fun and can provide some very funny stories. My sister, Lisa, has always told me to write them down, but I don't. I guess I could type them here on this blog for you all to enjoy.

I will also use this blog to RANT!! Before you read any future blogs, be prepared. I'm becoming more of a democrat than most of my family would like to acknowledge. But I don't care. I'm comfortable in my own skin and proud to have my own views and opinions. This is not a place where I will try and change anyone's policital views so if you ever read something that you don't agree with, don't try and change mine. This will be like my public diary! You can read my thoughts without feeling guilty! :)

Today I'm emotinally exhausted. Obama's new Health Care Reform was passed yesterday. Everytime I get on Facebook, I read more and more anti-Obama comments and I'm fed up! I have no idea why my stomach has been in knots all day, but it has! I could scream!! This really isn't about health care anymore. Republicans are just wanting our president to fail. Let's call a spade a spade. I have so much more to say about this topic but it's 11 o'clock at night and I'm tired. Stay tooned for more of my thoughts about health care reform and other polictial happenings. I'll also just blog about my days and my students.

Good Night World!